Spark User Conversations On Your Live Streams

Retain your audience throughout your live-streaming sessions with a comprehensive set of chat tools.

Amplify User Engagement

Enable your viewers to engage in discussions, ask questions, offer feedback, and exchange ideas on your live streams.

livestream chat
livestream chat
Add Vibrant Chat Themes

Curate the chat themes on your live streams with a unique blend of colors, fonts, and designs that resonate with your users.

live chat sessions
live chat sessions
Increase Multi-fold Engagement

Cultivate a sense of engagement among a wide range of audience with OnTheFly’s real-time messaging features.

Turn Your Viewers Into Active Participants

Take viewer participation just beyond watching your streams. Pull them into interesting conversations with live chat.

chat live online
live stream audience interaction

Live Chat

Chat Live On Streams With Participants

Make your viewers feel valued and acknowledged, increase loyalty & return viewership by forging real-time conversations during streams.

Build Brand Loyalty

Boost Engagement

Add Entertainment Value

livestream chat

Add Co-hosts

Connect Hosts, Admins + Co Hosts Via Chat

Facilitate your key stakeholders like co-hosts, and guests to interact with each other, share insights, and coordinate effectively to deliver a more immersive streaming experience.

Dynamic interaction

Varied expertise


live video stream chat
just chatting stream ideas
Live chat comments

Live Comments

Display Live Comments On Screen

Showcase the pulse of your audience and add a layer of authenticity to your live streams by displaying their comments directly on the screen during your broadcasts.

Establish credibility

Showcase brand authenticity

Build interactivity

live chat sessions

Add Visual Effects

10x Engagement With Visual Elements

Leverage the magic of graphics, animations and virtual effects as they turn the chat sessions into an interactive and visually engaging experience.

Convey brand emotion

Elevate brand identity

Highlight your content

live stream chat comments

Ready To Engage Your Users With Real-time Chat?

Make interesting conversations happen on your live streams in just a few clicks!